As of now, approximately 75% of the work we do requires written, printed paperwork. With the implementation of our new techniques we are hoping to drastically reduce that percentage to almost nothing! This will be a large undertaking and will require several years to fully complete, but our DeKalb movers are dedicated to our goals and know that the benefits for everyone far outweigh the struggles of change.
This will mean that each of our drivers will be equipped with state-of-the-art tablets in order to record all of your belongings digitally. It will also help them obtain up-to-the-minute updates on any changes to your move, hassle-free. Our office will be utilizing a handful of internet databases that will store all of the information pertaining to your move in order to eliminate the flow of physical paperwork. These are just the start of the changes that will be taking place. We will be noting our progress periodically so check back to see how we’re doing!
This process has been in the works for quite some time and we are so excited to finally put it into action! We’re proud to be a Chicagoland moving company that contributes to the overall wellness of our environment and look forward to finding more ways to do so in the future.
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